Potret Rasmi Baginda Ratu Queen Elizabeth II sepanjang tempoh pemerintahannya
Ratu Elizabeth II merupakan pemerintah monarki paling banyak mempunyai koleksi potret rasmi. Hal ini disebabkan baginda memerintah dalam tempoh yang agak lama. Kebiasaannya baginda akan memakai darjah tertinggi Britain 'Order of the Garter' lengkap dengan selempang dan bintang kebesaran. Baginda juga akan mengenakan 'Royal Family Order' di sebelah bahu kirinya.
Set penuh Order of the Garter
Royal Family Order of King George V (atas) dan King George VI (bawah)
Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of Her other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith
Photo by Dorothy Wilding
Potret Rasmi sempena Pertabalan
Buckingham Palace 12 Mac 1953
Photo by Baron
Buckhingham Palace 1955
Photo by Cecil Beaton
Buckhingham Palace 1961
Windsor Catle 1965
Photos by Anthony Buckley
Photo by Yousuf Karsh
Photo by Cecil Beaton
Potret rasmi sebagai Queen of Canada
Photo by Yousuf Karsh
Windsor Castle 2000
Photo by John Swannel
Potret rasmi sebagai Queen of Canada diambil sempena lawatan rasmi baginda berdua ke Kanada Mei 2005
Windsor Castle 2010
Rideau Hall, Kediaman rasmi Gabenor Jeneral di Kanada 2010
Photo by Anne Leibovitz
Throne Room Buckhingham Palaca
Jubli Intan 2012
Buckhingham Palace, 2012
Potret Rasmi sebagai Queen of New Zealand
Buckhingham Palace, 2012
Balmoral Estate, Aberdeenshire 26 May 2013
Potret sebagai Queen of Scotland
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